What we know as application of henna on the skin in India it is known as Mehndi, and comes from the word "mendhika" Sanskrit. At first it was a custom that was made in India and Nepal, but perhaps due to the film industry this practice has become popular in places like Pakistan or Bangladesh. And even in the West they are very popular with henna tattoos, although not really a tattoo because it is a temporary drawing that in most cases disappeared within a month. Thus, as was learning and visiting new places in this wonderful country, my skin was filled with different designs and shades that are clarified over time.

Tilak or Bindi
Indian Calendar
The natural reddish dye called henna in Spanish, is used for hair also serve to mehndi. Its use dates back to ancient times when used as hair dye, skin, in addition to use in animal leather and wool.

Some argue that Henna is a good insect repellent. In ancient books about Vedic rituals in Hinduism mention of using henna and turmeric it is done, so you can say that is a very ancient Vedic custom that is intended to be a symbolic representation of the sun. Vedic customs normally focus on the idea of ​​the "awakening of the inner light" and the traditional henna designs are representations of the sun on the palms of the hands and feet. The designs are usually applied in the hands and feet because they are lighter areas of the body where the skin contains less melanin pigment.

Applying Henna in Chennai, McKay Savage

In the area of ​​Rajasthan a reddish tones are used, while in the south of the country the color is brown. During special occasions in the Hindu community, as certain festivals or weddings, it is normal to see women decorándose each other's hands and feet with beautiful designs menhdi. In certain Muslim holidays such as Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, it has also adopted this practice. Note the case of weddings, as it is when this practice has a special character. In the Hindu tradition the henna ceremony takes place at the bride's house a few days before the wedding. It is normal in the developed initial design groom is added.

In Bangladesh it is normal for the Mehndi is done twice, once by the family of the bride organized and again by the groom's family organized. In some Arab countries in the Persian Gulf is often applied henna to the bride the night before the wedding, and that night is known as "the night of henna". Some Muslims use henna as a hair dye and beard because Muhammad allegedly applied turmeric in his beard.

Usually the henna is applied to the skin using a plastic cone or a brush. After about 20 minutes, henna paste dries and begins to crack. To achieve a more intense color is often wrap the applied area of ​​skin with a fabric or plastic, and the tissue remains in place for 4 to 5 hours and even overnight. This mixture stains on the sheets are not removed, so you have to pay attention to this fact. It's a good idea to apply heat, such as exposing the area to the sun, so it will last longer. When tissue and the henna paste is removed, the design can be somewhat pale but will gradually darkening in the course of the next three days. The final design will remain on the skin two to three weeks, depending on the quality of henna body and the area where it was applied. To last a little longer is advisable to apply some kind of oil on the design.

Henna is obtained with dry leaf petiole and the henna plant (in English henna). Today henna cones and made ready for use, making it fairly simple application are purchased.

Remarkably, for darker shades, sometimes it is certain dyes that may be harmful to health apply. The real henna is never black. In rural areas it is customary to see women grind fresh leaves of the plant on a adding a little oil stone. Also to him usually add lemon juice and sugar as accelerator agent to give consistency.

It is curious that in Spain was growing habit henna plant during the Moorish kingdom of Granada, since both men and Muslim women with her hair dyed. Afterward its use would be prohibited and grow.

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