The true meaning of henna tattoos

In 2008, "Slumdog Millionaire" took the world by surprise by winning the Oscar for best picture; history, directed by Danny Boyle, presented the life of Jamal Malik through the reality show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". This recognition was the culmination of a fascination with all items from India, from Bollywood strange to henna tattoos that women use in their weddings.

Among the earliest civilizations of mankind, the woman was the most important deity; goddesses represented the fertility of the land and agriculture-based communities that was all that transcended. One of these divinities was Anat, the warrior goddess of fertility of the Chaldeans. During the myth that stars with Baal, the god of rain bull, decorate your body with a substance called henna.

Women, to honor this goddess, decorated their hands in order to contact with fertility during celebrations dedicated to spring, but its use was not limited to beautification. This strange substance was the product of a shrub called henna and had proved worthy of the gods: the plant was applied to scorpion stings to treat infections, treat diarrhea and to relieve ailments caused by fungi. Subsequently, among the Arabs, it was widely used to dye hair and beard.

During the twelfth century, henna came to India and became popular among a sector of society that did not have the opportunity to purchase jewelry; For this reason, her body adorned with painted rings and bracelets. The beauty of this art quickly moved to the wedding and soon no bride could marry without hands decorated with henna.
Today these henna tattoos have crossed borders and shocked the world. In countries that saw the birth they are still used in weddings, but in the rest of the world its incredible beauty has made their meanings fall into oblivion. Here is what Edward Said called Orientalism W., or the way that the West creates a real image -different -of East. Eliminate all prejudices and misconceptions we have of distant lands is an extremely complicated process, but a good first step in this direction is to understand the origin of art that fascinates us.

Among animals, the turtle represents fertility, peacock beauty, butterflies transformation, rebirth fireflies, scorpions are a protection against the evil eye and reptiles help find enlightenment.
Flowers indicate joy and happiness, while the stems symbolize this union in every marriage.

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