The contouring is complicated by the technique of henna

I say definitely the contourning this has gotten out of hand at top speed. First thing going through simply create a line of light and dark and blend, then creating a clown we saw how well we were getting those results, and now we directly create drawings of henna on our face. Come on, true works of henna with which to create the effect of makeup so fashionable. To me, this already seems like a waste of amazing time.

Here is the girl who has diffused this contouning based drawings of henna and has already gone through all the portals beauty. His technique creating tattoos mythical reasons is very good, but I can not see the sense of Curran similar drawings and then move a brush or sponge above. Sure, it has not been the only ...

Yes, then we have other tutorials like this where it seems very simple ( "seems") but not an hour I see being doing then forms honestly.

And until this Mexican girl who is a makeup artist all and to which we have seen on other occasions wearing looks pretty amazing, wanted to try it.

For that, it complicates the contourning us, above all, to which we are not very much in favor of it and we are not very skilled. What do you think about you?

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