The ancient art of "Mehndi" or "Mehandi"

"Mehndi" or "Mehandi" is as they are called in Hindi to temporary tattoos made with henna with which women cover different parts of your body as a bridal ornament and religious celebrations language.

Henna is a natural reddish dye is made from the dried leaf and petiole from a plant called Lawsonia alba Lam. It can be found in warm climate countries This dye is also used to dye hair and is commonly used in India, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Middle East and North Africa. In the West it has been using, but not extended so, from 70.

To prepare the henna paste leaves are ground to get a brownish green powder and mixed with essential oils and lemon juice releasing the dye of the leaves and sugar to give consistency. When applied on the skin becomes pale orange tint and during the hours darkens until a reddish brown; depending on the pigmentation of the skin, "color curve" can take up to 12 hours to obtain the final color and it will become clearer as their days pass.

In some countries, especially in India, henna paste cones ready for use sold. Henna penetrates only dead cells of the skin stratum corneum, the duration of the dye varies depending on the thickness of the skin, but only of days, can vary from 5 to 15 days depending on the area of ​​the body chosen for the design.

Natural henna is brown. Pigments are added to change color. Other tempt are being used to create special effects such as glitter or frost and many colors. These pigments sometimes cause allergies, natural henna is safer, although new pigments are more attractive.

Mehndi history dates back more than 5,000 years, so it is very difficult to determine its origin. However, it was in India where he gained greater importance after being taken there from Egypt, although many sources claim that was brought from southern China long before the invasion of Moghuls of Turkey in the twelfth century. Then the henna was used as a cosmetic to darken the hair and as part of the mummification ceremony of the Egyptian pharaohs who were painted hands and feet. Throughout time henna has been associated with both medicine and magic and spiritual rituals.

Henna has been used since the Bronze Age to give tint to the skin, hair, nails, animal skins, silk and wool. The ancient Egyptians and the Hebrews used and before the Islamic invasions; in fact it has been found in some texts files, which in 1298, 1235 a. C, the hair of the mummy of Ramses II were dyed with henna. Some Assyrian texts of the seventh century. C. explain the wedding preparations, including the fact that the nails and the palms of the bride were tinged with henna. Women in China had their nails painted with henna, and Vietnam women were using henna products to brighten their teeth, which was very economical. Henna is also good as antifungals, as a preservative for hides and fabrics and some insect repellent. In ancient times, flowers were used to make perfumes.

There are mentions in Indian court records around 400 d. C. and in Rome during the Roman Empire, is contained in medical texts of the Ebers Egyptian papyri sixteenth century. C. and was also mentioned by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in the fourteenth century of the Christian era, as a medicinal herb used by the Syrians and the Egyptians. In Morocco, for many centuries, henna is used to dye wool and patches ornament drums and other leather goods.

Mehandi patterns are quite complex and beautiful and vary and their origin:

Africans. They are large, geometric lines and thick. They are probably the easiest to do. In Africa they use black henna which generally is not considered healthy, allergies and cause many to be toxic. They are used in special celebrations and is believed to attract good luck.

Arabic or Middle East. The designs are also large and thick lines but more subtle than Africans. Floral designs generally used.

South Asia. That is, in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Tibet. often use highly refined designs and thin lines appear on the skin lace. The designs are more complicated than the previous ones but can be simplified for beginners without any problem and without losing its grace and delicacy.

In India and Muslim cultures used henna for brides. a special celebration before the wedding where women gather and put henna to the bride ago. It is the equivalent of the hen in our culture. During this celebration, called "henna night" in India, Morocco, Bangladesh and Pakistan, while in Turkey it is known as "kyna Gecesi".

The ceremony is that her friends and female relatives of the bride go home and celebrate it all together this party. The henna is dry and turned into powder in a small pot metal, usually copper or silver.

The bride is placed a red veil over his head and into the center of the room, singing popular hymns dealing with henna. Prepare the pasta to use and women start decorarle hands and feet. This is the festival as celebrated almost everywhere, but bear in mind that, depending on the country, changes are made to the customs. For example, in some parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sudan, the groom will also make designs as the mehndi and Tajastán, located in northeastern India, the designs are as elaborate as brides.

Laggan in the film looks like the phrase "I have henna on hands" is equivalent to "marry me." This is a tradition that implies that the groom's family will know who will be the wife of his son, who will be part of the family through this rite, because they are very complicated recorded and can lead days full realization of their sophisticated designs. During the duration of the dye (about two weeks), women do not do any housework, that underlies the best know the mother-and create bonds of friendship between them, as in many cultures, the newlyweds move to her parents and the bride, not knowing anything about his new family, he has time also to know the place and the people who will live on.

As a curiosity, sometimes covertly add initials boyfriend and he has to find them among the complicated design. If not found, it is said that the woman will dominate in the relationship and, given the submission of women in these countries, boyfriends strive to find and avoid premonition of his future wife's dominant instead of him.

Henna, usually applied on dry skin using a kind of brush or plastic cone, but sometimes even used a small metal tip, which is very accurate. Then the paint is wrapped with a cloth or a cloth to fix the dye and get the design color is much more intense.

It must be covered between three and six hours, but sometimes they have even overnight. At first, it takes a pale orange, but after about 48 hours and is the final color, which is like a reddish brown. The reason why darkens the henna is a simple process of oxidation.

The Mehndis began to become popular outside of Asia from the years '90', when exported under the name of Henna Tattoos, however the term is incorrect, as the tattoo is where the ink is under the first or second layer of skin and is permanent; while Mehndi or Henna is only superficial and deleted in a couple of weeks. Remember a Mehndi is the design itself, which would become a henna tattoo, is not called really well, called Mehndi. In addition to that with this massification of Mehndis now used for anything and without special significance, not only for weddings and special events.

Another custom in the current feminine aesthetic as nail polish hands and feet, also comes from Egypt, where they are painted with henna or blackberries. They are employing colors indicating their social position so that the dark were associated with the noble and wealthy classes, while the most humble and low light colors used.

Around 3,000 A.C., the Chinese also painted them, using lacquer made from gum arabic, egg whites, gelatin and beeswax, sometimes mixed with crushed rose petals, orchids and other plants. As in Egypt, the nobles could use gold, silver, red and black colors, while other social classes could only use pastel colors.

In Egypt and Rome, military commanders, are also painted red before going to war.

Nail polish as such, was invented in 1924, as nail polish with color and from that moment ended with the fashion of wearing natural nails that looked hitherto in the West.

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