Henna tattoo care

As is the case with traditional tattoos, also recordings made in henna require a series of care to ensure their good looks. This care is initiated at the moment of the application process, as first should take into account the drying time; the longer the time for action on the skin, more dark and duration of the tattoo.

Secondly, when removing the pulp passes between 6 and 8 hours, you should not rub or scratch, but remove it carefully with a damp towel or cloth. Thus uniformity subject and its maximum length is guaranteed.

As it is well known is precisely the use of water that will eliminate henna tattoo, so, it should avoid as much contact with it. If this is not possible, a trick passes over the tattoo put Vaseline so that it is protected from the effect produced by water.

On the other hand, if you have yet henna paste and want to preserve it for the next tattoo, it is good to keep in the freezer for long periods of time or in the refrigerator if the process will be repeated just a few weeks past. If he has no henna paste, powder but it can be kept in a closed box or boat and as if it were a drug, ie, in a cool, dry place.

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2 Tanggapan untuk "Henna tattoo care"

  1. The steps you have provided for henna tattoo
    is really awesome.These necessary for who are going to be tattooed(henna)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I have found it extremely helpful for my tattoo care. Highly Recommend.
